The Four Seasons of Hamadan: Examples & Resources

I. Spring: Nowruz & Purim

  • Example of Persian mahur
  • Example of Persian drone improvisation
  • Example of Klezmer drone improvisation
  • How to play a krekht

II. Summer: Tigran & Shavuot

  • Medium freylikh example
  • Fast freylikh example
  • Hora example
  • Alizadeh’s chaharmezrab in chahargah
  • Chaharmezrab examples

III. Autumn: Mehregan & Sukkot

Example of a Jewish Cantor

Cantor M. Lachmanowitz – Owinu Malkeinu (ca. 1918) (Source)

About Avinu Malkeinu

Each line of the prayer begins with the words "Avinu Malkeinu" ["Our Father, Our King"] and is then followed by varying phrases, mostly supplicatory. There is often a slow, chanting, repetitive aspect to the melody to represent the pious pleading within the prayer.

Source: Wikipedia

  • Shajarian recording
  • Reading of Hafiz Ghazal 1

IV. Winter: Yalda & Hannukah

  • Bach Chaconne
  • Terkisher
  • Tasnif
  • Fast klezmer trills
  • Kereshmeh